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EVA Total Movement Joint Opening "A" Installation Width Seal Depth "B"
Minimum Nominal Maximum Minimum Maximum
EVA-100 0.85 22 0.40 10 1.00 25 1.250 32 1.00 25 1.250 32 1.50 38
EVA-150 1.28 32 0.60 15 1.50 38 1.875 48 1.50 38 1.875 48 1.50 38
EVA-200 1.70 43 0.80 20 2.00 51 2.500 64 2.00 51 2.500 64 3.00 76
EVA-250 2.13 54 1.00 25 2.50 64 3.125 79 2.50 64 3.125 79 3.00 76
EVA-300 2.55 65 1.20 30 3.00 76 3.750 95 3.00 76 3.750 95 3.00 76
EVA-350 2.98 76 1.40 36 3.50 89 4.375 111 3.50 89 4.375 111 3.00 76
EVA-400 3.40 86 1.60 41 4.00 102 5.000 127 4.00 102 5.000 127 3.00 76
EVA-450 3.83 97 1.80 46 4.25 114 5.625 143 4.50 114 5.625 143 3.00 76
EVA-500 4.25 108 2.00 51 5.00 127 6.250 159 5.00 127 6.250 159 3.00 76
EVA-550 4.68 119 2.20 56 5.50 140 6.875 175 5.50 140 6.875 175 3.00 76
EVA-600 5.10 130 2.40 61 6.00 152 7.500 191 6.00 152 7.500 191 3.00 76

Dimensions are in inches (bold) and millimeters. Depth "B" is at full compression.
Contact MM Systems for other sizes based on project design requirements or for areas
that require tighter closing capability.
Note: Certain applications may require the use of a cover plate.

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