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Fire Rated System icon represents approvals and listings with accredited laboratories. Waterproof System icon represents expansion joints that provide a watertight exterior seal. ADA Compliant icon represents systems that comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act guideline.

ASB-C Total Movement Joint Opening "A" System Width "B"
Thermal Min. Thermal Max. Safety Max. Min. Max.
ASB-C-250 2.50 64 0.75 19 2.50 64 3.25 83 1.938 49 4.438 113
ASB-C-350 3.25 83 1.00 25 3.50 89 4.25 108 2.188 56 5.438 138
ASB-C-450 4.00 102 1.50 38 4.50 114 5.50 140 2.688 68 6.688 170
ASB-C-550 5.00 127 1.50 38 5.50 140 6.50 165 2.688 68 7.688 195

Dimension shown in inches (bold) and millimeters.
Safety Maximum - Safety margin movement capacity accomodates concrete shrinkage, vertical displacement, and unexpected movement.